About Us
The Personnel Commission is an independent body composed of three persons appointed for three-year staggered terms that administers and oversees the merit system for classified (non-teaching) applicants and employees at Sanger Unified School District by creating policy.
The fundamental purpose is to ensure that employees are selected, promoted and retained without favoritism or prejudice on the basis of merit and fitness, to work with the governing board and administration, and to see that classified employees receive fair and equitable treatment.
Our Administration

Monica Rios-Hennecke, PsyD
Director of Classified Personnel

Jovanna Peña
Human Resource Specialist

Al Alfaro
District Appointee

Armando Casarez
CSEA Appointee

Richard Duran
Joint Appointee
The Personnel Commission office is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Personnel Commission meets on the third Wednesday of each month in the Resource Center of the Administration Building at 4:00 PM.
All meetings are open to the public unless otherwise noted.
1905 Seventh Street, Sanger, CA 93657
Phone: (559) 524-6521 | Fax: (559) 875-1081
Sanger Unified is a merit system school district. The merit system consists of rules and procedures which cover classified employees including the application/hiring process. All applications are reviewed to ensure the application is complete and the applicant meets minimum qualifications as stated on the job announcement. All candidates who apply for a position receive notification as to whether or not he/she will continue in the recruitment process.
It is up to the candidate to contact the Personnel Commission Office for:
- Verification that an application has been received, or
- Confirmation that candidate meets minimum qualifications.
Failure to submit an application or list educational or work experience required to meet minimum qualifications by the filing deadline will cause an application to be denied. Sanger Unified cannot be responsible for application or electronic mail submission failure or lost or undeliverable US mail.
Practice Tests
We have provided a variety of links to study guides, practice tests, and information on test subject areas such as typing, English as a second language, food service, custodial, grounds, instructional aide, mechanic, and interview question samples.