Sanger Unified School District
(559) 524-6521
1905 Seventh Street, Sanger, CA 93657

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2025-2026 Preschool Registration is Now Open!

The SUSD Preschool Program is proud of the achievement of the students, the academic focus of the curriculum, the environment that is apparent at each preschool and the full inclusion of children with special needs.

Register Your Child Today!

Current school year 2024-25 online registration will be closed as of March 7, of 2025.

La inscripción en línea para el actual año escolar 2024-25 se cerrará a partir del 7 de marzo de 2025.

Registration Information

Preschool Registration for 2025-26 School Year Coming March 24!

¡Se aproxima la Registración Preescolar para el Año Escolar 2025-26!

Register Your Child Today!

SUSD Preschool Registration for the 2025-26 school year is now OPEN

Please join us for

Preschool Registration Days

Por favor acompáñenos para

Días de inscripción preescolar

Our Mission

We are committed to maintaining high expectations and standards for all the participating students.

We give children a place and the opportunity to grow and develop physically, cognitively and socially in a positive learning environment. Daily, each child is provided with positive experiences that enable them to build a foundation that will help them be successful learners.

Parent Handbooks

Get to know our Preschool program in-depth with these comprehensive handbooks.

School Campuses

Learn which available school campuses host our Preschool programs.

IMPORTANT: All required documentation & registration process must be completed by Friday, June 7, 2023 in order for your child to begin on the first day of school. Space is limited, please contact our Preschool Office for further information.

Preschool Office

The SUSD Preschool Office is located on the Wilson Elementary campus on the corner of Faller Avenue and 5th.

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Preschool classrooms are located on elementary school campuses.

Del Rey Preschool

Jackson Preschool

Jefferson Preschool

John Wash Preschool

Lincoln Preschool

Lone Star Preschool

Sequoia Preschool

Wilson Preschool

CSPP Income Guidelines

(California State Preschool Program)

* 100% of SMI

** for 15% about Income Eligibility Threshold