DATE: December 10, 2014
TO: Agencies, Organizations, and Interested Parties
FROM: Sanger Unified School District
SUBJECT: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report in Compliance with California Code of Regulations Title 14, Sections 15082(a), 15103, and 15375 and Public Resources Code Section 21083.
The Sanger Unified School District (District) is the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the Educational Center project and will prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) to analyze potential environmental impacts that may result from the project.
Project Title: Educational Center
The District requests your views on the scope and content of the environmental information relevant to your agency’s statutory responsibilities in connection with the proposed project, in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15082(b). Your agency will need to use the EIR when considering any permit or other approval that your agency must issue for the project.
Organizations and Interested Parties: The District requests your comments and concerns regarding the environmental issues associated with the planning, construction and operation of the proposed project.
Project Location:
The project site spans 116 acres at the northeast corner of Jensen Avenue and Fowler Avenue. The site is bounded by Jensen Avenue on the south, Fowler Avenue on the west, Church Avenue on the north, and Armstrong Avenue on the east. The northwest portion of the site is in the City of Fresno, while the balance is in the City’s sphere of influence (SOI) within unincorporated Fresno County.
Project Description:
The proposed project involves the purchase of the project site for the construction and operation of an Educational Center. The property would be developed for operation of a middle school campus for 1,692 students and a high school campus for 2,840 students. The two schools would have a combined building area of about 561,900 square feet, consisting of academic buildings, an administration and media center building, one multi-purpose building, two gymnasiums, a theater, and athletic facilities including two football/soccer fields with tracks (one with a stadium), two pools, hardcourts for tennis, basketball, and volleyball, and playfields for baseball, softball, and soccer. The football stadium would seat up to 8,500 spectators. The proposed project also includes the annexation of the SOI area into the City of Fresno’s municipal boundaries.