The focus of Sanger Unified Health Services is the prevention, identification, modification, and resolution of health related problems that interfere with a student’s ability to achieve in the school environment. SUSD’s Health Services Team is comprised of Professional School Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN’s), and trained Health Aides.
Health Screenings
Vision & Hearing

ALL students in Kindergarten, 2nd grade, 5th grade, 8th grade and 10th grade are screened in the fall. Preschool students are screened throughout the year.
The screening is a generic non-diagnostic assessment meant to detect problems with near vision, distance vision, or hearing difficulties. If a problem is detected, students will be referred for further care. If you are unable to provide follow-up for your child, please contact your school’s health office. Any student is eligible for screening upon request. Color vision (boys only) screening is conducted in second grade.
Tuberculosis Screening

All students are required to submit evidence of being free of risk to tuberculosis exposure or infection prior to entry or re-entry into Sanger Unified School District.
This requirement may be fulfilled through documentation confirming results from a PPD skin test screening, blood test screening, or licensed health provider CDPH risk assessment screening.
Physical Exams

Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP)
First grade physical exam required by the state of California within 18 months prior to entering first grade.
Kindergarten Physical Exam
It is a SUSD recommendation that all students entering TK/Kindergarten provide documentation of a physical exam within 18 months prior to entering either TK/Kindergarten.
Health Forms
Visit for complete information about immunizations required for school entry in California.

Our Health Staff
Sanger Unified School Health Offices are staffed as follows:
Sanger High has a full time Registered School Nurse, a full time LVN, and a part time Health Aide. Washington Academic Middle School has a full time Registered School Nurse and a full time LVN. Elementary, K-8 and Charter sites are staffed part-time by Registered School Nurses, LVN’s and/or Health Aides. A Registered Nurse is on call (accessible by cell phone) during all times students are on campus.
Registered School Nurses in the district manage the overall operation of their site(s) health office(s), including: maintenance of health records, emergency response, special education and 504 plan health assessments, staff development and required staff training to support Individualized Student Health Plans and Emergency Care Plans, state mandated health screenings, and ongoing training & supervision of SUSD LVN’s and Health Aides. They are also available to consult with parents, students & staff regarding other student health concerns.
LVN’s and/or Health Aides, under the direction and supervision of their School Nurse, assist with: maintenance of student health records, general assessments of ill students, first aid for school-related injuries, emergency response, CPR instruction, and the administration of medication and/or treatments for students as ordered by their physician.